Aromas: the smell, scent and/or odours that excite our nose and the back of the mouth to activate smell receptors in the nose.
Taste: using tastebuds, the sensory organ on the tongue to distinguish bitter, salt, savoury, sour, and sweet.
Mouthfeel: the physical sensations created by food and beverages in the mouth.
the sensory of mouthfeel, taste and aromas, a combination of tastes, smells and other sensations used to create an experience for your pallet!

an item that adds a new taste to food and alters its natural flavours; flavourings include herbs, spices, vinegar and condiments; the terms seasoning and flavouring are often used interchangeably.
an item added to enhance the natural flavours of food without dramatically changing its taste; salt is one of the most common seasonings.
Curating with flavour
Flavours should be balanced. Use flavour to boost meals however avoid hiding the natural taste and aroma of the primary ingredient.
Refrain from using flavour to hide low-quality or poorly prepared products.
When dishes are cooked over an extended period of time, add the flavour sparingly
Remember to always add seasonings a small amount at a time, flavour can intensify and overpower a dish. Be sure to taste and season foods frequently during cooking.